Here is a small test program that runs my PRNG to produce random numbers in pure binary, or text format one per line. You can use the Windows executable, or you download the source & compile it yourself. It is written in Pascal and the program is a basic command-line executable, so it will run in any shell. The program is designed to produce output in binary bytes that can be piped into PractRand or another program, or redirected to a file.
The algorithm runs six Linear Congruential Random Number Generators in parallel, and xor's the output together, to produce a single random number at the output. The parameters plugged into the each LCG are chosen at random using the system time (calculated to a resolution of millionths of a second).
The algorithm, I believe, is fairly unique in that it is guaranteed to never repeat, no matter how long it is run for and no matter how many random numbers are generated. However, it is not one of the fastest PRNG's out there.
NB: If you previously downloaded an older version, please discard it and use this version instead.
EncPRNG v3.2 Download Source Code
The program must be compiled using the Free Pascal compiler, which runs on Windows and Lunix.